In search of America...

In search of America...

Welcome! You have reached the blog describing our family trip to America. Starting in march 2016 from Tromsø, Norway, our plan is to travel through Canada, USA, Argentine and Chile.


April 2017: A bit more than three weeks that we have reached home. It took us a bit of time to find our winter clothes, lunch boxes, schoolbags, skis, etc. but we are now pretty much back to a normal Norwegian life with work, school, football, riding lessons and birthday invitations! Of course, returning to routine is not necessarily easy but a whole bunch of friends is around to make us feel home and happy. Easter holidays are around the corner, and we will go skiing for some days. Also starting to plan the summer holidays. In all this agitation, it sometimes feels as if we never left and the whole trip to America was just a dream we have made!?! At least, it was a nice dream that filled us with beautiful pictures for a while...





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